Recorder yaml, - list with checkboxes?

Since HA has become a living organism in my house, I continuedly test, tinker and add and delete new stuff, the file reocrder.yaml is a work to keep updated.

So, to make it easy to keep the Recoder up to date without a lot of legacy entity IDs, why not make a “Configuration” –> “Recoder Registry” -page, where all entity IDs are listed and the user can assigned values/checked on/off, to get the preferred functionality.?

If you think this a better way than using the recorder.yaml-file, please vote.

Hello Tomahawk,

Has there been any follow up?
How can one get a list of all domains: and entities:
There is for sure one of the many files that contains the list which I could simply edit and make it my recorder.yaml!


What I ended up doing was to exlude everything, and then add only does enities that I wantet to record:

  purge_keep_days: 14
      - binary_sensor.rpi_power_status
      - binary_sensor.fibaro_flood_sensor_kitchen
      - binary_sensor.fibaro_flood_sensor_loft
      - binary_sensor.fib_smoke_sensor1_sensor
      - air_quality
      - alert
      - automation
      - binary_sensor
      - device_tracker
      - group
      - input_boolean
      - input_select
      - input_text
      - light
      - media_player
      - weather
      - sensor
      - script
      - sun
      - switch
      - zwave


Thanks for sharing.
I am heading to a similar solution.


according to the docs ( if you have only the include filter, then all entities are excluded by default (except those you put in the include filter).
So you should be able to simplify everything by removing the exclude part.

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