Reduce zibgee sensor update to save battery?


I bought 2 Aqara Zigbee temperature sensors 1 week ago.

After 1 week, the first one is at 73% of battery, the second at 59%.

I think there is an issue, the sensors are described to last between 12 and 24 months.

So my idea is to reduce the update interval to every 30 minutes.

How can I do that ?

Thank you for your help.

I also have some of those, what integration are you using for Zigbee, deCONZ or ZHA?

The should have a dynamic update interval, mine only updates if there is significant change. Do you live in a cold climate or do you use them where the temperature fluctuates a lot? Like a Fridge or outdoors?

I use ZHA.

It’s in my bathroom. I use it to control heater only if necessary, and to be sure I ventilate enough the room.

In my experience the battery level can fluctuate a lot on zigbee devices and does not always reflect the true state of the battery.

Some of my zigbee devices i am using, is still going strong after 3 years, and are not even under 50%. So maybe you got some that is defective.

What’s more, the included batteries are garbage. They’ll quickly run out or even give you connection issues, you’ll see quite the difference once you replace them.

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Ok, i should wait to see a complete battery cycle with a normal battery.

In pratice, reducing the update is not possible ?
I understant that the default update is 30s. I can reduce to 15 minutes or 30 minutes with the same results for me.

Don’t you think it can be relevant ?

I use them with Zigbee2MQTT. More then a year, and the original batteries are still good. With Zigbee2MQTT, if there is no change in temperature or humidity they don’t report, only on change.

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@francisp As here is saying. It will only send it new information to ha if there is significant change.

It uses nearly nothing when not sending information.

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The issue should be to use it in my bathroom where humidity and temperature can change a lot :confused: