I also have some of those, what integration are you using for Zigbee, deCONZ or ZHA?
The should have a dynamic update interval, mine only updates if there is significant change. Do you live in a cold climate or do you use them where the temperature fluctuates a lot? Like a Fridge or outdoors?
What’s more, the included batteries are garbage. They’ll quickly run out or even give you connection issues, you’ll see quite the difference once you replace them.
Ok, i should wait to see a complete battery cycle with a normal battery.
In pratice, reducing the update is not possible ?
I understant that the default update is 30s. I can reduce to 15 minutes or 30 minutes with the same results for me.
I use them with Zigbee2MQTT. More then a year, and the original batteries are still good. With Zigbee2MQTT, if there is no change in temperature or humidity they don’t report, only on change.