Refering variable value in template using variable name from builded string


I want to use variable value from other variable with dynamically builded name

This is my case:

  triger1_message: aaaa
  triger2_message: bbbb
  - variables:
      message: '{{ ~ "_message" }}'

Currently message will be triger1_message or triger2_message, but I want it to be aaaa or bbbb depending on which trigger was triggered…

Please help!

It appears that what you want to do is to programmatically create the name of a variable using a template like this:

{{ ~ "_message" }}

and then get the value of the resulting variable. So if the template produces triger1_message you want to evaluate it and get its value aaaa.

That would require the use of something like python’s eval function but it doesn’t exist in Home Assistant’s implementation of Jinja2.

Yes, that is what I want to achive…

If this is not possible in way I tried, any other workaround exists?

Define a dictionary and then lookup in the dictionary to find the matching value.

  - variables:
        triger1: 'aaaa'
        triger2: 'bbbb'
        triger3: 'cccc'
      message: "{{ values.get(, 'unknown') }}"

The following template means:
In the values dictionary, find the key name provided by and return its value. If there is no matching key name, return unknown.

{{ values.get(, 'unknown') }}
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Thanks, it works this way!