Refrehing browser moves tile to wrong place

Whenever i resfresh browser page, one of my tiles goes to wrong place. I then go to edit mode, it jumps back to its own place and after saving, it stays there… Annoying. Im using firefox. Does same in chrome too. Anyone else experiencing this ?!AuHedJ0g-WEbgcIYUIeyc-epQfU-CQ?e=Uo9aGA

Happens quite a lot when I have a busy mosaic dashboard - the display is designed to adjust automatically to different screens and yours must be just on the borderline. You can keep the cards on the right together by putting them in a vertical stack.

Alternatively you could make the dashboard a panel, in which case all the cards would have to go in a single grid or stack.

Well, i used layout card and its masonry, it works now :slight_smile: