Regex Filter for float always returns a list

Hi at all,

i have some problems to extract a float out of a given string it always returning a list with to values.

Can someone give me a hint pleased?

{% set value =  'Neuer Saldo: 210,54 EUR' %}

{{ value | regex_findall_index('Saldo: (-*[0-9]+,?[0-9]{2})') }}

For a numeric float that you can use in template calculations, you’ll need UK/US style decimal points, so:

{% set value =  'Neuer Saldo: 210,54 EUR' %}
{{ value | replace(',','.') | regex_findall_index('Saldo: (-*[0-9]+.?[0-9]{2})') }}

Thank you very much i am a bit disapointed that i was not able to find this simple solution. :pensive:

But now it works pretty nice