I’m trying to use this code copied from others to read the registers below. Each Fault has a register, the first Fault1 is 0x0405 and the last Fault18 is 0x0416. Each register has two bytes and each byte has two bits.
If I use register_count how should I continue the code?
- platform: modbus_controller ## Inverter Fault Message ##
modbus_controller_id: zcs ## Fault 1 ##
name: Errore Inverter
id: inverter_fault_message
register_type: holding
address: 0x0405
skip_updates: 20
register_count: 18
response_size: 2
lambda: |-
std::string z = "";
int idx = item->offset;
if ((data[idx] & 0x1) != 0) z += "ID001 GridOVP,";
if ((data[idx] & 0x2) != 0) z += "ID002 GridUVP,";
if ((data[idx] & 0x4) != 0) z += "ID003 GridOFP,";
if ((data[idx] & 0x8) != 0) z += "ID004 GridUFP,";
if ((data[idx] & 0x128) != 0) z += "ID008 IslandFault,";
## what should be written here?
if(z.length() > 0){
return {z};