Reliablity if not updated

I am using homeassistant for some basic automation like controlling zigbee gang switches climates also some esphome based device . I dont need to add more features in the future . My question is if i dont update the homeassistant or other stuffs it would be rock soid as it is or not?

Reliability is probably not your issue. In your use case - a security issue would be a compelling reason to update, as would a bug-fix that affects your install. If you haven’t kept the updates rolling through, jumping several versions can be stressful.

But personally, if you have locked down your network and/or are willing to accept any risks - leave it alone.

Just accept there will be pain if you suddenly want to upgrade 3 years down the track - for a new feature you just can’t do without. :smiley:

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For now probably yes but your system might degrade over time.

That can specially happen if you for example update your esphome nodes to a more recent versions which expects changes/improvements on the ha native api side too.

Still if only have ZigBee and esphome stuff which works locally you might get a good mileage “freezing” all of them together.

At one point in the future you probably still want to update (security related fixes!) and as older your version is then as more painful the update will be (getting a huge breaking changes list from all missed updates!).

My advice: Do at least an update every three month so that you are still capable reading the backlog and act accordingly!

You have two choices here. What you’re attempting is called long-term-service branch in the biz.

You use the technique when you have a business critical platform that’s aging and there’s absolutely no other realistic replacement coming soon.

If you maintain a good known working

(i mean you practiced the restore and it worked, known working. Not - I think it works, working… )

backup - that takes care of your what do I have to worry about… If I’m NEVER GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING << but you have to stick to this.

…And because everyone else is right about the security thing… You either take the updates (more there in a second) or you COMPLETELY CUT IT OFF FROM ALL PUBLIC NETWORKS… Big walls and firewall rules. It should never be able to be touched from the outside and it should never be able to reach out on its own.

Thats kind of draconian, yes but it’s what’s necessary to keep the box secure if you go that route.

What if that’s too far the other way?

(personally I will NOT run devices on my network that aren’t secure and up to date so I’d never do this.)

…then come up with an arbitrary schedule that works for you like maybe once per year or half or quarter and do the updates. You have the backup to fall back to if things go south.

This allows you to respond if HA has another critical security issue like the one last year that forced them to require a minimum version to connect to Nabu Casa remote control. For things that critical you want the flexibility to be able to easily install if necessary.

So yeah you can. But… I’d suggest maybe a slower update schedule rather than none at all.