Remote access: HA on Virtual Machine DuckDNS configuration

Hi all,
I have some issues setting up the remote access (using duckdns) to my Home assistant installed as a Virtual Machine (using KVM). I have setup the VM network with the default Virtual NAT: address of the HA VM (subnet 192.168.122.x)

my home hosts are all connected to 192.168.1.x subnet

how should I configure my router (port forwarding) to reach the VM?

what should I do on the VM side?

Thank you in advance.

At high level, you should:

  1. Configure your router to port forward to your KVM host
  2. Configure KVM to port forward from the Host to the HA VM

Not knowing KVM myself, Google is your friend for 2), I guess

Hi @koying, thank you very much. for KVM host do you mean the IP of the linux machine where I’m running KVM right?

Yes, exactly.

hey @michele.bergo did you ever get this figured out?

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