I come here because I am truly lost at this point. I have had remote access set up for at least 6 months now and about a week or so ago this stopped working out of nowhere. I have tried deleting DuckDNS addon, deleting fullchain.pem etc… files and re-generating the keys, changing ports on my router, reset my router, checked my config file, updated hass.io, creating a new DuckDNS hostname and trying that all to no avail. I am not sure what else to try now…
The thing is I can connect to my router admin panel using my-domain.duckdns.org + can access other services I expose but for the life of me cannot access my hassio instance @ https://my-domain.duckdns.org:8123 like I have been able to reliably in the past.
FYI. Absolutely no changes we made, I simply noticed it had stopped working one morning. Now for the life of me I can not get it operating again. Due to my uni exams and lack of time, I had to set up Home Assistant cloud so I could access my home remotely in the mean time, but I would like to get this working properly again - and also figure out what the hell went wrong. Has anyone experience the same issue and found a working solution?
I have this machine set up with a static IP, however I did try using Wi-fi instead of Wired and forwarded that IP and still the found the same behaviour. I also tried different ports as I was running out of ideas. As I mentioned other services are running fine remotely just not Hass.io only
I’m seeing a connection timeout. I can see there is something on the other end as it says connecting for a fair while until it times out. If the ports were closed it would simply throw an error right away
Yeah I have tried with multiple browsers and devices by now. Tried Both from inside and outside my lan too.
I just installed a new browser then and tried it again just to make sure
Edit: I would like to look at logs and find source of the problem but frankly I don’t know where else to look. Hass.io logs and DuckDNS addon logs all look fine. Are there some other logs I can look at?
Any chance you have fail2ban setup? I locked myself out of ha and for the life of me couldn’t figure it out. Fail2ban had banned my routers IP address!
Same thing happened to me. cant connect though duckdns anymore just stopped. it actually works if I use my public ip address but it shows not secure message. it also works through nabu casa. Just duckdns stopped working this week…
So I went and manually deleted the /ssl folder and reinstalled duckDNS earlier just to make sure my certs were refreshed. I tried again also last night. My DuckDNS logs say everything is fine when I install it and refresh with new certs. I would post the logs but there is nothing to see out of the ordinary
Now this is interesting… I can only get hassio accessible via my public IP if I put the hassio VM (xx.xx.1.142) in the DMZ in my router settings. I have tried forwarding all ports I could think of - 443, 80, 8123 and 5557 to no success - forwarding ports for the IP of my host PC (xx.xx.1.14) and the IP of the hassio VM (xx.xx.1.142). Both are set up with a static IP too.
Thanks. I am aware of this and only forward one port at a time or direct the traffic to other ports not in use as a precaution
I will continue to play around incase I am making some mistakes now and I have introduced a new problem. However I am beginning to suspect it could be a firewall issue, although I have no idea how this could have happened after months of reliable operation and no changes
Some firewall manufacturers think it is an upgrade to change their software in unexpected ways, like for example making port forwarding a 2 step process - step 1 allow access to the port, step 2 forward it.
I am using a standard DDWRT firmware I would not expect there to have been any changes as I have been running the same firmware for about a year before this happened. I have however updated the FW to most current yesterday when I decided to clean rebuild my router (due to a strange intermittent and unrelated bug I was having)
I will try disabling firewalls on my router and host PC and see if anything changes.
I have found what might have been causing issues with my port forwards now. Still does not provide me an answer to the issue that caused my set up to stop working in the first place. I must have introduced this issue when I did a clean rebuild of my router over the weekend.
I found that I was entering in an IP (host IP) into a text box named “Source Net” and that was causing the trouble. I left it blank and now my port forwards work. Funny I don’t remember this being a thing in the past and there is not much documentation on what that box is for.
By the way I tried disabling my Router and Host PC firewall and that obviously had no effect as that was not the then issue.
Anyways, all is working now it seems and my instance is now accessible remotely