Remote_transmitter rf433 and NICE FLO 12 bits

Hello folks,

I’m struggling with an tiny RF433 module configuration. I’m trying to replace the 20y old RF433 remote of my heater that get more and more unreliable. My flipper zero sniffed and recognized a NICE Flo 12bits protocol, the flipper can replay the signal to turn the heater on and off. I have a key and a yek for each command, but I have no clue about how to translate that into esphome. There is no rolling code for sure, anyone familiar with this protocol ?


I used OpenMQTTGateway linked to a CC1101 to do something similar.
I use a Nice-FloR (rolling), so it was actually a bit more complicated than it is for you.

I guess that repo will be useful to translate the codes into OMG compatible strings:

Probably the easiest way is to use RAW signals (I expect your Flipper prints them as well).

Thanks, However I would use an esp32 that already have utilities where I intend to place the emitter.

hm, well the flipper zero just give the hexadecimal value.
However, looking at the doc transmit_raw might work actually. I will try to see the flipper implementation to get the timing right by tweaking the code field of transmit raw.

I was expecting a more straight forward configuration but let’s try this out.

Expecting Nice Flo 12b protocol out of the box in Esphome?
I’m quite confident Flipper can output RAW…

Keep in mind flipper is actually open-source.
Here is how they handle nice-flo