Thanx in advance. I am new to zigbee and started with zigbee2mqtt but after a few of my devices would not pair i removed the integration and started again with ZHA , i am happy with zha but i have an old device from the z2mqtt integration showing up when i search through my entities.
I probably should have deleted the devices before removing m2qtt , i can see i still have m2qtt folders. How can i tidy up and remove all the leftovers of m2qtt.
Remove the retained discovery messages in the mqtt broker with something like MQTT Explorer.
At first glance , i dont know where to start with mqtt explorer. Do install it on my windows pc or as an addon in homeassistant. Sorry for the noob responce.
Windows PC.
i downloaded it and i couldn’t even find the instructions , its too advanced for me. so i just deleted the z2mqtt files via samba , but that hasnt seemed to work. is there an easy way to remove a ghost entity with out learning how to use mqtt explorer
You need to delete the retained device discovery messages in the broker, not the z2m configuration files.
Perhaps you would be better off with ZHA. It is easier to use.
Delete your MQTT broker addon.
That was the point, i had done exactly that, and thats how i had the issue. The solution for me was to add the ghost entity to lovelace which allowed me to click on it and open the settings cog which took me to entity with the option to delete it. So i think i am now sorted, thanks for your suggestions.
I know this is an old post, but this might be what I’m looking for.
I had a very strong zigbee network, running Z2M with 120 devices using the Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB dongle. Half of the devices were ac powered outlets, plus I had two other Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB dongles running Router software.
For about 3 months everything was great, then all of sudden I started having devices drop off and wouldn’t stay connected or they wouldn’t reconnect back at all.
Was going to try changing the zigbee channel from 11 to 25, but every time I would try to change it in YAML or in Z2M settings, the Z2M web ui would go blank.
I would then have to run a backup file in order to get everything working again.
So tonight I uninstalled Z2M add-on, and deleted all files in YAML under Z2M hoping for a clean new install of Z2M when I tried reinstalling it again.
But again, when ever I clicked on Z2M wed UI I would still get a blank screen.
So I take it that there is some parts of the old install that I didn’t get removed.
So my question is, if I uninstall Z2M from the add-on again and delete all folders/files listed under Z2M in YAML.
Then delete the ‘messages in the mqtt broker’ where I have the “arrows” pointing to in the pic below. Would that remove all the old install so I would be able to do a new clean install?
Here is my post in the HA FB group, where I explain in detail what is happening.
(not sure why the Facebook link is showing, what looks like Chinese text?)
I just picked up a Sonoff USB 3.0 Dongle and have been experimenting with it on a test machine.
I also changed the Zigbee channel to avoid any conflict with my existing Zigbee network and immediately got the blank screen as you did. At first I did a re install of Zigbee2MQTT but it did not fix it so I poked around in the coordinator_backup.json which is located in config/zigbee2mqtt and manually changed the following:
They were still on 11 from the installation. You can also delete this file and it will get regenerated with the correct info. I also stopped Zigbee2MQTT, edited the file then restarted it and everything was back up and running.
Hope this helps,
Thanks, for that information.
Right now I moved everything to ZHA, and deleted the 292 ziggbee2mqtt messages listed in the MQTT Explorer (pictured in the post above).
I need to get my old Raspi out, and make it my HA test machine and give Z2M a try again to see what happens.
Thanks again!
No worries,
This is the beauty of having a test rig. I currently have 1 light bulb and an Aqara door sensor paired with the Sonoff and what I was trying to do today without luck was change the Zigbee channel without having to repair the devices. I do not believe it is possible and understand the importance of choosing the initial Zigbee channel carefully