Remove old entities Buienradar

Remove old entities, no longer available, is a pain when it comes to this integration.
I have tried all sorts of solutions.

  • stop Home Assistant and remove the entities out of the hidden folder.
  • remove integration, stop Home Assistant and try to remove the entities from the hidden folder.

Every time I rebooted Home Assistant all of the old entities came back. (108 in total) So they are somewhere in another location?

For now I ignore them, but I hope to learn how to remove them properly. In the forum threads I could not find any recent solutions for this issue.

Do you still have YAML configuration for this integration left over from before it was moved to the UI?

I do have the same problem. As far as I know I removed all “buienradar” scripts from Yaml.
I only have this one left with buienradar in it:

# Weather platform buienradar
  - platform: buienradar   
    name: 'broek op langedijk'

How to replace this one?
Or is this not causing this warning?

That creates all the entities, what do you mean replace?

If you want to keep the integration but remove the error, delete that and integrate the integration through the UI.

I do run the buienradar integration
but as far as I know it is not support weather?

Ok, then just remove that if it’s not valid…

Thank you for responding!

When I tried at first I had indeed in the YAML still an entry in the configuration file. I then removed and double checked all the other Hass configuration files like packages or sensors file.

So the second time all was removed and indeed after removing it all, the new integration Buienradar popped up, BUT also all the 108 non available entities popped up again.

Recap: all was removed also in hidden files and configuration file; the integration came up as a new one. After configuring also the non available entities came up again.

Hope this helps.

Edit: What I found odd was is the fact if I add the integration Buienradar through the UI it right away knows my longitude and altitude and thus also the unavailable entities?
(Or does it get the longitude and altitude from the configuration file?)

Anyway still confused how it sees these entities while they all have been removed from the hidden files, core entity and core core device.

The docs have the answer:

Great to know, but still no answer why it still sees the 108 non available entities. That’s so odd to me, what do I do wrong when it comes to these entities.
Again all have been removed and yet they pop up :stuck_out_tongue: