A while ago I added the web extension for Home Assistant in Firefox for Android but I no longer use the URL it was set up for and I can’t work out how to remove it. Documentation seems to be rather lacking from Mozilla themselves but if anyone knows how to do it I would appreciate it.
It seems that the only way to do it is to uninstall and reinstall. Luckily Sync doesn’t retain the config.
What extension are you talking about? I’ve not seen such a thing
The alternative to the companion app, shown here: https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/frontend/mobile/
It seems to be a web extension of the type installed using manifest.json but there’s seemingly no way of removing it on Android at least without reinstalling Firefox.
That’s not an extension. It’s just a shortcut.
Oh, OK. Still couldn’t work out how to remove it - could be because I use Nova Launcher rather than the standard launcher.
Shortcuts look like “app installs” on Android and uninstalling them just means long pressing on their icon, go to app info, and uninstall
I’ve never had an app icon for it, perhaps that was the problem. Fixed it now anyway.
Then I am curious what the actual problem was, because by doing that, you are adding a shortcut to your home screen and it has an icon…
Thinking about it, it could have been in my Firefox app icon. I open Firefox by clicking on the app icon and it opens the tab to my HA page. Uninstalling Firefox removed the icon and therefore the URL. Not entirely sure how that would get restored to a new phone but it’s not impossible.
If it’s an “icon” inside firefox, those are just frequently used/last used shortcuts. They mean nothing and you didn’t need to get rid of it at all
No, the icon I have on my device desktop, not in Firefox itself. It was similar to calling firefox -new-tab https://my-hass.address
on the command line but there didn’t appear to be a way to edit it. Deleting the icon and adding a new one may have worked.
Correct. Deleting that icon would have removed the shortcut.
There are 2 different shortcut types: One is an actual shortcut link (like you were seeing it sounds like), and the other creates an “app” which is nothing more than a fullscreen version of the webpage that is intended to be used like an app. The one that appears as an app has to be “uninstalled” like any other app. The other is just a shortcut, the same as dropping a shortcut link on your desktop.