Removing duplicate entities

So because I fiddled with it too much, I had three times my phone registered in Home Assistant and the log complained that it found duplicate device name Pixel 3 XL. There was actually three of them. They showed up in Developer Tools, in Entities, Integrations and Devices. Deleting the duplicates from there did nothing. They always came back. I believe it’s because of the Integration still had them and deleting it from there told me I needed to stop the Mobile App integration to remove them. The thing is, there is no ‘Mobile App’ integration category since each phone is listed individually (unlike a Hue hub) so I couldn’t actually stop it without causing other side effect.

So, to fix it, and this is where I’m asking if I did something wrong, I went into the .storage folder, stopped hassio, removed the duplicate entries from the following files (took a backup of each files first as well as a hassio snapshot, just in case) and restarted hassio


The duplicates are now gone and the log is no longer complaining. The lone Pixel 3 XL is still talking to hassio from what I can see (battery level is following what my phone is showing).

So, did I do something that I’ll regret later on by causing inconsistencies or something else?


As long as the JSON is formatted correctly and it started back up, you’re fine.

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