I’ve been using the ‘tird-party’ Renault Intergration in the past, with succes. Now the custom Renault intergration broke down a while ago, today I configured the ‘native’ renault intergration.
But I ran into an issue; only half the info works.
I have no errors in the logs. Though I did notice the ‘pulling interval’ was rather big… last pull was about 3 hours ago (I would love something like every 15 min for example)
Is there someone who is able to point me to a direction to troubleshoot this?
Version Info:
Home Assistant Core 2022.5.5
Home Assistant Supervisor 2022.05.2
Home Assistant OS 8.1
Kernel version 5.15.41
Agent version 1.2.1
Hello, i’m not able to configure the renault intégration, haas say me that i’t’s only able by manual configuration. Did you think you can help
me by give me your method to add the integra tion ? Sorry for my english. Regards
sorry for the delay… never saw this answer. Well turns out I had a totally different issue!
I never knew there was a ‘subscription’ attached to the car to be able to ‘remote control’ the car.
This was ‘included’ for 3 years, but now expired. There fore I did not had access to the online resources… What I should have done (for all others out there: ) install the Renault app on your phone. This will confirm if the online services are still available or not.