Reorder entities in a group

I’m attempting to reorder entities with a group via the frontend configuration panel but get an error:

It seems that your configuration.yaml doesn't properly include customize.yaml
Changes made here won't affect your configuration.

My config has customize: !include_dir_merge_named customize and the dir has various .yaml files

If the group you’re talking about is the contents of a card, the entities are ordered in the order you list them.

If the group you’re talking about is the cards on a view, I think you’re stuck, I’ve neer been able to get ordering the cards on the view to work.

If the group you’re talking about is a view, you can order the tabs on the interface with customize. I’ll paste a working example if needed.

Hope this helps.

My guess is that the configurator works only with a single customize.yaml file. It is not sophisticated enough to work with multiple config files in a directory.

have you tried to use “order:” in your customize config for your groups?

   order: 2

I have tried using this but not had much luck.
Im not entirely sure what it is supposed to do when used together with group.*
Will it organise groups within views?

From my understanding is that it will cause the specified groups to display from top to bottom in the order they are told.

Now that said, I’m not sure how that determines the order of the display on a screen that is wider. Like a computer monitor instead of a cell phone. I don’t know if the ordering is then top to bottom or left to right.

I don’t use it a lot. Only on the one group above to get it to display at the top. Which ends up being top left on wider screen.

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Thanks for the help all. I’ve now set the views in the correct order I’d like.

Is it possible to re-order cards within a view?

i thought that’s what “order:” did?

it would seem not when trying to order cards on a view.
I managed to figure out a workaround…
I have to create a group or every entity on each ‘view’ and then within the ‘view’ group, the order they are referenced seems to be the order they appear. So some of my groups only contain one entity…which isn’t a problem I guess.