Replace CC2531 Stick with a Sonoff Zigbee CC2652P

I´m using Hassio with Zigbee Home Automation Integration

My Zigbee Coordinator is a CC2531 Stick with 48 Units bound to it.


Now i want to replace this CC2531 Stick with a Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus (CC2652P + CP2102N).
Is there a way to change this Stick without the need of pairing all the units again?
Where do i find a step by step manual for that…?

I too am considering this. I am having issues with devices dropping off and I think it may be because I am running the HUSBZB-1, which I understand has the older chip. I’m currently running 39 devices. Only thing slowing me down is how much of a hassle it is going to be to swap out the devices. If I have to re-pair everything, I may just switch to Zigbee2MQTT for the broader range of devices.

Here you go Backup and Migrate Your Home Assistant Zigbee Network! - YouTube

Thank you…because i use Hassio with a Hassio-OS installation i´m not able to use PIP. So I Installed the ZHA-Toolkit via HACS. I used the Blueprint (in the documentation) to setup a daily Backup. That does well…

But i did not find a Blueprint for the restore of such a Backup-File… And i´m a beginner to Hassio, so maybe someone can tell me how to do the restore…? (with ZHA-Toolkit)