Replacement for sonoffs now Tasmota cant flash them

Hello HAS enthusiasts, I have a number of Sonoff wifi smart switch devices mostly single channel switch both basic and RF versions. These are ITEAD versions. I am unable to get them into flash mode to Tasmodize them. They are all not new versions and I read that Sonoff altered their switch devices firmware to prevent Tasmota flashing. Is this correct or was it not for these devices ? Has the issue been resolved by anyone to get Tasmota onto them ? If not, what devices have the HAS community now gravitated to that we can flash, reprogram ? The Sonoff was brilliant as it had a power supply and excellent value.

Happy Automating, regards from Rodoz

It is very incorrect. You cannot lock down ESP82xx devices and prevent others from flashing it.

Exactly as @blakadder said.

You can always open the device and flash it using serial connection.
Just make sure that the device is based on ESP8266.

Good Luck