Replacement suggestions for Danfoss DEVIlink FT, RS & CC in the UK

I have a property with a Danfoss DEVIlink setup that’s showing its age. It’s never been 100% right and I’d like to swap it out for a better system, ideally with some HA integration. It’s a legacy system installed by someone else and I’m tired of bodging it.

The property is a single storey bungalow with electric radiators. Each rad has a DEVIlink FT and mains power. Each room has a DEVIlink RS. They’re all supposed to talk to the DEVIlink CC in the middle of the house, but that’s touch and go.

What I’m looking for is wall mount rad thermostats that can fit in as a drop-in replacement fit-wise for the DEVIlink FT, and the associated room stats & controller unit. I’ve found the Ebeco EB-Therm 500 which seems to be a potential fit for a DEVIlink FT replacement, but I haven’t yet read the documentation fully.

I would be most grateful for any advice, feedback or pointers for further reading on potential replacements.

Thank you for reading.

Hi Pete. I’m in exactly same spot. Need to replace aging Devilink system. Would like to inquire how did you resolve it? Looked into Ebeco system, which you mentioned, but they do not have equivalent of FT it seems? Also need something to work with Devi temp sensors, which are burried under concrete in my case. Many thanks.