Hello everyone. I’m a home assistant newby, so please forgive me ;-). I would like to create an automation to do the following (and I’m trying to do it directly in HA, although Node-Red might be easier).
My wife’s bedroom is colder than the rest of the house, so I’ve put in a space heater, and I would like it to turn on if her temp < house.temp - .5, and turn off when her temp > house temp + .5. Additionally, I’d like it to stay on for an hour if she manually turns it on, and stay off for an hour if she manually turns it off. Well… I got stuck immediately just trying to implement the turn-on, here’s what I have:
- id: '1640901247332'
alias: Nancy's Heater
description: Equalize Nancy's Bedroom to Main Thermostat
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.nancys_bedroom_temperature
below: '{{(state_attr(''climate.home'',''current_temperature'')|float)-0.5}}'
condition: []
- type: turn_on
device_id: e107e638e6acd4caaa1a9987efa9cfe1
entity_id: switch.heater
domain: switch
mode: single
The above results in this error:
Invalid config for [automation]: expected float for dictionary value @ data[‘below’]. Got None.
I would appreciate help getting past this point, as well as tips on implementing the entire project.
Thank you.