I have a Sonoff Bridge with a few door and motion sensors.
I’ve setup automation tasks to act as part of a security system.
I have run into an issue where when a sensor is triggered, it would not trigger again until another sensor is triggered.
The problem is the value for “name” does not get reset after the trigger.
I want to create an automation task to change the value to either null or idle after the trigger.
I’ve been unable to get it right so for. Tried a few commands I found with no success.
Not sure how to do that except through the Developer screen.
I have tried the below, and it did not work.
- id: '1604416541412'
alias: Alarm reset
description: ''
- platform: state
entity_id: remote.sonoff_1000e7276f
attribute: name
from: idle
condition: []
- service: python_script.set_state
entity_id: remote.sonoff_1000e7276f
Name: ""