Respeaker voice control

Just signed up to back this one and thought it sounded like something folks here might be interested in. Looks like a clean pre-fab open voice control platform that includes a mic array.

I saw this on Kickstarter (or was it Indiegogo?) It looks interesting but by the time you get everything and put it into a case I’m not sure it outweighs buying an Echo (which I already have). Plus I’m REALLY leery about crowdsource stuff having been burned a few times.

Generally I agree with your statement about the Echo being similar. What caught my attention here was the original designers intent to provide a voice controlled WiFi interface device with support for customization (both online and offline) as well as support for multiple recognition engines.

The hardest part for me on Kickstarter has been ignoring the schedule I was promised :slight_smile:

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Ordered one as well, hope it will work well. Especially the local recognition… Would be nice to choose you own action words.

How will it be integrated into HASS (new to HASS was using openhab when I bought it…)? Is it possible to forward voice/text to the Conversation component?

Best of luck to those who ordered. As for me, I will never go with a crowd sourced product again after I receive the Wifi lights I funded that were supposed to be delivered over three months ago and have only left production in China this week.

They appear to be shipping :slight_smile:

It seems like they are delayed due to quality control issues…?

I received mine. The how-tos are confusing at best - but I hope its going to improve. As soon as I find some time I try to hook it up to hass.

anyone has had any success with this thing yet?

Sadly I won’t get mine until they ship the “ultimate”.

Hey all. I didn’t back this, but came across it in a search for a microphone array. I was wondering if anyone had any updated comments on their experience with this system, specifically with the Pi.

Haven’t played a lot with it, hooked it to Alexa, but possibilities where limited, both because of my location and not being able to connect to hardware. But snips seems to like it and is working on implementing it, then I will try it with snips.

Awesome, thanks. Snips is exactly what I wanted to use it with, so I’ll keep an eye on that development.

Anyone get this working with Home Assistant? Snips is integrated now but I can’t get the respeaker to light up or be recognized