REST template and json_attributes_path

Hey, I’, trying to parse some XML from a REST sensor and I’m stuck on the json_attributes_path.

My current sensor looks like:

  - resource:
      - name: met_test
        unique_id: met_test
        value_template: "MET test"
        json_attributes_path: '$.textforecast.time[0].forecasttype.location[?(@["\x40id"]=="0503_0608")]'
          - '@name'
          - '#text'

And a snippet of the XML converted to JSON (from log) is as follows:

  "textforecast": {
    "@xmlns:xsi": "",
    "@xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation": "",
    "meta": {
      "@licenseurl": ""
    "time": [
        "@from": "2023-01-21T00:00:00",
        "@to": "2023-01-22T00:00:00",
        "forecasttype": {
          "@name": "normal",
          "location": [
              "@name": "Agder, Østlandet",
              "@id": "0503_0608_0609_0610",
              "#text": "Nordaust eller skiftende bris. Lokal frostrøyk rundt åpent vann, ellers pent vær."

As you can see the attribute contains a ‘@’ which results in adressing it as @["\x40id"] in my working example above.

But, since the value of @id varies and I want all entries containing 0503 (my location) I did a test in pure python with jsonpath to simplify debugging. This does a pythonish filter test and works nicely.

import json
from jsonpath import jsonpath

with open('met.json') as fp:
   json_string =
json_data = json.loads(json_string)

jsonpath_expression = '$.textforecast.time[*].forecasttype.location[?("0503" in @["\\x40id"])]'

result = jsonpath(json_data, jsonpath_expression, debug=True)
print(json.dumps(result, indent=3))

Resulting in:

      "@name": "Agder, \u00d8stlandet",
      "@id": "0503_0608_0609_0610",
      "#text": "Nordaust eller skiftende bris. Lokal frostr\u00f8yk rundt \u00e5pent vann, ellers pent v\u00e6r."
      "@name": "\u00d8stlandet",
      "@id": "0503_0608",
      "#text": "Skiftande bris, nordaust bris p\u00e5 kysten. Stort sett pent ver. Kan hende lokal t\u00e5ke rundt Oslofjorden."
      "@name": "\u00d8stlandet",
      "@id": "0503_0608",
      "#text": "Skiftende bris. Delvis skyet oppholdsv\u00e6r. Fra om ettermiddagen s\u00f8rlig bris, p\u00e5 kysten s\u00f8rvestlig liten kuling. Tilskyende, etter hvert sn\u00f8."

Now, the big question is how to put this into the YAML? I’ve tried the so many variants with no luck, the sample below is what I would expect would work. I guess, as I’ve studied the sensor python code, that this is an escaping thing but I can’t seem to get to the bottom of it. Any ideas?

  - resource:
      - name: met_test
        unique_id: met_test
        value_template: "MET test"
        json_attributes_path:  >
          $.textforecast.time[0].forecasttype.location[?('0503' in @['\x40id')]
          - '@name'
          - '#text'

I’ve really need a pair of fresh eyes on it :slight_smile:

Best regards

And writing this got me on the right track, so for documentation, my YAML was mostly correct - in my sleep deprieved state I got some parentesis matching wrong.

The working sensor with the closing ([])put correctly:

  - resource:
      - name: met_test
        unique_id: met_test
        value_template: "MET test"
        json_attributes_path:  '$.textforecast.time[0].forecasttype.location[?("0503" in @["\x40id"])]'
          - '@id'
          - '@name'
          - '#text'