Hi there!
I try to check (wrong) config using Rest API request like this:
curl -X POST "https://my_hass_url/api/services/homeassistant/restart" -H "Authorization: Bearer <token_here>"
and it returns empty object:
And there is an error appears in logs after the request:
Log Details (ERROR)
Sun May 10 2020 13:51:12 GMT+0300 (MSK)
Invalid config for [recorder]: [purge_days] is an invalid option for [recorder]. Check: recorder->recorder->purge_days. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 201). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/integrations/recorder/
Home Assistant 0.103.0 running in docker.
What could be wrong?
Hi! The error in the config is for testing purposes. Plus I’ve got some additional info: It does work, but only first time after restart (with the error fixed and then readded).