Restart Home Assistant in w/o power cycle

I redid my setup recently and this time for the first time I went for the full setup running on a raspberry pi 3+. It works great, only thing is while configuring various things I’ve twice had Home Assistant crash on me (nothing specific, I’m OK w/the crashes, I was doing a lot) and I don’t know of any other way to get it back than to power cycle it. Is there another way if the front end just becomes completely unresponsive?

Can you see a command line on a monitor connected to the Pi? If so, ha core restart should work for you.

But, why not fix the problem. I can’t recall seeing Home Assistant crash in the past two years. My Pi3 crashed a lot which is why I switched to the Intel NUC i3, but not Home Assistant. (Unless we have a different definition of “crash”).

I didn’t try connecting a monitor, my setup is normally headless and sitting on a shelf in the basement. But I guess I could try that next time, I’ve been kind of looking for an excuse to mount a mini touch screen down there.

Both times I was repeatedly editing and running a node red flow and getting a lot of errors because I’m just learning to use node red, so I just chalked it up to me confusing the system too much… In general HA has been rock solid, I switched from my old pi because I figured out the random unresponsiveness from my old setup was actually intermittent network drop outs on the pi rather than an HA problem. I’m hoping a re image will fix that box…

You don’t need a monitor if you have enabled ssh on the pi.