Restarting Services - How Long Does It Take


Dumb question, but from the front end, if we restart the service because we’ve made changes to configuration.yaml file, how long does it normally take before the web page is available.

I’ve sometimes kicked off the restart, gone to other tabs in my browser or checked emails etc, and come back to the web page and it’s still showing that it’s waiting to reload. If it feels like it’s been 5-10 minutes, I sometimes PuTTY in and just do a reboot.



It depends… I use a PI3b+ with about 20 devices to monitor and 6 cams… takes anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes. A reboot… double it.


I was thinking it would have been quicker and was just concerned there might have been issues with my setup.

Reboot from ssh is the worst thing you can do as you will eventually corrupt the SD-Card.

Are you running Hassbian? If, initial versions using HassOS (instead of the old ResinOS) seemed to take an ETERNITY to restart. If you’re on HassOS, make sure it’s up-to-date - hassio>System and update the host. The new HassOS is much faster.

I’m running Hassbian.

Home Assistant is 0.80.3

When I log into my Pi, I get the following:

Linux hassbian 4.14.71-v7+ #1145 SMP Fri Sep 21 15:38:35 BST 2018 armv7l

I followed the upgrade instructions and now my Home Assistant is 0.81.0 and when I log into my Pi, it shows that there’s been no change:

Linux hassbian 4.14.71-v7+ #1145 SMP Fri Sep 21 15:38:35 BST 2018 armv7l


ok so hassbian then. When you update HA, it doesn’t update the host system… that is done by apt-get update and upgrade… standard linux stuff and you can ignore the hassio stuff I posted. Are you using a Pi3B? It should be much faster than you are indicating.

My system is Home Assistant 0.72.1 and it takes about 2-1/2 minutes to fully restart. Long enough for a game of solitaire. I often think about updating, but I read of too many issues others have after updating, so why fix what isn’t broken?

There’s a million reasons to stay current actually.

You can monitor from ssh what is happening with this

sudo journalctl -f -u [email protected]

My restart command fails always for some reason. Takes forever to shut down and eventually the HA is killed from some timeout… I have to use the stop and start commands. See here for the shortcuts.

Yes, 3B+

I just made a change to my configuration file and restarted the service and the web front end was back (ie the message “Connection Lost. Reconnecting” disappeared almost on the 60 second mark.

That was a lot better than prior to my initial post. As I wrote, I often would do a restart, go to other tabs and come back to the HA tab in my browser after what feels like 5-10 minutes and the “connection lost” message would still be there.

So it’s a lot quicker now. Thanks guys.

Hi David,

When I get the notification on the web front end that I have an update available, I PuTTY into my Pi3B+ and run the 2 commands found at the bottom of this page.

sudo hassbian-config upgrade homeassistant


sudo hassbian-config upgrade hassbian

Is there something else I should be doing? Just wanting clarification that what I’m doing is correct.

BTW, after doing the above, do I need to do a reboot or just restart the HA services?

I thought hassbian was just Raspbian? I’m not sure but upgrading hassbian is probably upgrading the underlying O/S.

If you upgrade HomeAssistant, then restarting homeassistant should suffice. If you upgrade hassbian it should tell you if a reboot is recommended - it depends on what is being updated. A restart would not hurt in any case.

Thanks. The last command has just finished (upgrade Hassbian) and it says a reboot may be required for some updates to take effect.


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