Restore a number onpower up

Hi I have the simplest bit of code running on my ESP8266 board and at one point I defined a number to use elsewhere, I would like it to be restored at power up. I used the restore_value: true but it just seems to start at its min value the code looks like. Am I missing something?

  - platform: template
    name: "Number1"
    id: number1
    optimistic: true
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 150
    step: 1

  - platform: template
    name: "Number2"
    id: number2
    optimistic: true
    min_value: 20
    max_value: 50
    step: 1
    restore_value: true

You may also need to include the Core item: esp8266_restore_from_flash in order for restore_value to work.

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Did I mention Im not very good :upside_down_face: ? I just tried esp8266_restore_from_flash in the header but I get a compiler error, Error: Unknown board ID esp01_1m esp8266_restore_from_flash
Have I put it in the wrong place?

name: esphome-web-deff35

board: esp01_1m

Enable logging


Enable Home Assistant API


Yes, most likely.
I believe it goes under ā€œESPHomeā€, but if you search it in the docs Iā€™m sure thereā€™s an example in there.
Youā€™ll also need to include the ā€˜: trueā€™ after the tag, to make it be valid. See the examples.

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Thank you
Once I got the syntax correct it started working

This is the header part of the code


   name: esphome-web-deff35
   platform: esp8266
   board: esp01_1m
   esp8266_restore_from_flash : true   
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It seems to me that now you only accept it in this form
restore_from_flash : true