I have HA in a Windows Virtual machine. My only access to HA now is the HA console. There’s a Backups restore command but it’s looking for for something as argument (I think it’s the backup file id).
But I can’t find out what backup files are available.
Can anyone help? Thanks.
You need the backup ‘slug’ name.
I found mine in usr/share/hassio/backup/ , but not sure, if that is the same for a VM install…
thanks, Dave, that helps. But when I did a ‘list’, the latest entry roll off the screen quickly so I was unable to get the slugname. Is there a way to stop the screen from rolling?
maybe installing Midnight Commander is worth it? searching files is very easy with it…
sudo apt install mc
That I have not been able to figure out unfortunately…
Thanks for all you guys’s help. I tried to restore the oldest one but it failed. It’s probably due to it being a partial backup. In fact, I had about 10 backups, all partial backups failed to restore. Fortunately, my last backup was a full backup. By trail and error, I figured out there’s a ‘remove’ command. So I removed all the backups till the last one. Now I can get the slugname and the restore worked. Hooray
Learned a few things . I wish the -h argument list out all the valid commands. Hope it’ll be there some day.