Restore HA on alternative hardware

I have the following setup:

  1. x86 Linux with HASSIO
  2. RPI for VPN e NAS

HA is on the dedicated hw, but I also set up another HA with docker into RPI. My desire: in case my old linux has any problem I could restore a backup on the RPI. The issue is: when I go the UI on google bakcup add on I cant see the backup. I manually copied the file from the backup drive on the linux to the folder on the RPI.

Any guess?

If you manually add items to the backup folder, you need to hit “reload” in the UI to see them:


@rccoleman It did not work. I reloaded and the file does not appear to be restored. Any other guess?

(I moved the backup file to the gdrive backup folder connected to HA) Should I move to another place?

If you want to restore a back in Home Assistant OS that’s stored somewhere else, you can copy it to the /backup directory/share in your HA OS installation and reload as shown above, or simply upload from the UI via Upload backup from the same menu. I don’t have any experience with the addon that you’re using, but you would follow those instructions to get HA to restore a backup.

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