Reverse look up entities and sensors


Is there any feature in HA (current or on the road map) that takes a device or entity as input and show all the automation, scripts, scenes, template sensors, customization associated with it?


Do you mean more than what Home Assistant currently shows for what’s related to a Device or Entity?

Example for an Entity


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The entity specific details of integrations are quiet neat. But I was looking for groups and template entities, the screens for groups & template entities only show logs and the current state.

I screwed up big time by replacing a bunch of Zigbee door sensors that were part of a group for home security & outdoor lights! And also messed up quiet a few things related to template entities for my solar panels.

PS: It is quiet fascinating how fast I forget details once stuff starts working in home automation :grinning:

Here’s a Template Binary Sensor:

Click the overflow menu (the icon with three vertical dots) and then click “Related”.

The Template Binary Sensor is used in one automation:

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Yes you are correct, I am also able to see all the details in my instance.

Since this is not a feature request, do we leave this thread here or is there a way to request deletion?

You can leave it to let other users, with the same question, see the answer or contact a moderator to request deletion.