Reverting HA OS update

I accidentally installed a beta OS update taking me from HA OS 9.5 to 10.0.rc1
Unfortunately now the MQTT broker and a few other addons don’t run

I realise the easiest solution would have been the obvious - don’t accidentally install a release candidate…however restoring a full backup hasn’t reverted the OS update. Is there anything else I can do?

I belive there is a way to rollback os, im in the same situation no zigbee working.
I’m tryin to figurer it out what last os version was, and the command line is .

This seems to be the issue:

Latest post has the same problem as me, and in passing mentions that a rollback is both possible and effective…just not sure how to achieve it :slight_smile:

Someone (maybe @olesj) asked the question directly on the git thread - and the suggestion worked!
Cheers all!

Thanks, I think that’s me too :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::raised_hand:os rollback works fine.

I ran this line " ha os update --version 9.5 " in the terminal window .