RF 433MHz thermostat controls infrared heating panel, how do I control (capture and send) the RF


In a month we will have a new heating system in our bathroom.
It works with a wireless thermostat that communicates over RF 433MHz to the Infrared heating panel.
I was wondering if I could capture and reuse the same signal to control the heating panel without using the thermostat?
Anybody an idea which device I could buy or create myself?

Heaven only knows what happens in that room!

You can do 433Mhz control with esphome. Remote Transmitter — ESPHome

Also there is openmqttgateway. https://docs.openmqttgateway.com/

I have never tried this which may be another option RFXCOM RFXtrx - Home Assistant

I editted my post about the type.
It’s another room than you thought :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the suggestions, I’m gonna have a look at the different options.

I see with the ESPHome you can only use the existing commands as I don’t find the device so I would need to capture the signal first before I can use it.
Same issue with the openmqttgateway.
And same for the RFXCOM as well.

I have no idea how I can capture that and like export the RAW data, if I could get the raw data than I could use the ESPHome option as I saw that there is a raw command.

Can you point to the device? The thermostat probably just turns the panel on and off, so the esphome can capture that quite simply.

If there is more intelligence in the panel, it may be trickier.

yeah it’s probably just turn on and off, I have no manual of it, so with the ESPHome I should get a RF receiver module to capture it and than use the transmitter to replicate it.

Gonna try that when it’s installed.


Yeah hopefully it will work, nothing to lose if you already bought it.