RF Bridge TASMOTA in TX 433 Mz mode

Good morning.
With the RF Bridge (TASMOTA), transmitting in RF 433, the ON/OFF code that I capture with the console, I intend to operate the Air Conditioner.
The following does not work for me.

action: mqtt.publish
metadata: {}
  topic: cmnd/RFBridgeMesaMult.Salon/RfCode
  payload: |
      "RfCode": “EBB284”

Any solution…?
Thank you.

Too little information to actually help you, but those quotes are of the wrong type.
Verify your configuration if you have the correct (straight) ones in your code.

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To operate your Air Conditioner using the RF Bridge (Tasmota) with RF 433 transmission, you need to ensure that the MQTT topic and payload are correctly formatted. First, make sure the topic cmnd/RFBridgeMesaMult.Salon/RfCode matches the configuration in Tasmota. Next, the payload should be a properly formatted JSON object. For example, the payload should look like {“RfCode”: “FEEBA4”}, ensuring that standard double quotes are used. Verify that your MQTT broker is running and that the RF Bridge is connected to it. Additionally, check the RF Bridge configuration to ensure it can receive and send RF codes. By following these steps, you should be able to successfully transmit the ON/OFF code to operate your Air Conditioner.

Best regards,

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action: mqtt.publish
metadata: {}
  payload: “15446660”
  topic: cmnd/RFBridgeMesaMult.Salon/RfCode

Bug detected, not found SetOption28 (ON,OFF)
Only works in decimal codification.
Tasmota 13.3.0(tasmota) by Theo Arends

RfCode EBB284 EXAD. comedor 01 NO
RfCode 15446660 DEC. comedor 01 SI

Thank you very much.

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For non professionals, like me.

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Here’s how I do it.
When the bridge itself sends the code, it sends all the things. I watched the device webui to see the 4 codes needed and send them all.
If you run into problems, try this…

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De translate.google:
Thank you so much
I have already resolved and documented in the forum.
But knowing more, it is always appreciated.


Muchas gracias
Ya lo he resuelto y documentado en el foro.
Pero saber mas, siempre es de agradecer.