RF Transmitter does not work

i have used this Code for add a RF Remote Switch (Goobay NK Funk II 94503)

  pin: GPIO0
  carrier_duty_percent: 100%
  - platform: template
    name: RF Power Button
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
          code: '000000010100010001010101'
            pulse_length: 357
            sync: [1,31]
            zero: [1,3]
            one: [3,1]
            inverted: false
          repeat: 10

when i install, after that, i get no reaction.

the Binary works well with simple Arduinocode so im sure its correcly connected with my esp8266

this is this what i have received in ArduinoIDE

Switch 1 on
Decimal: 83029 (24Bit) Binary: 000000010100010001010101 Tri-State: 000FF0F0FFFF PulseLength: 357 microseconds Protocol: 1
Raw data: 11088,320,1105,322,1102,328,1103,315,1105,332,1118,313,1115,311,1112,1022,403,309,1121,1023,400,313,1119,306,405,307,407,1019,403,1022,409,304,1122,305,1125,302,1125,1015,418,295,1126,1015,405,306,1125,1014,415,296,1130,

whats wrong in my code?

Does your ESPHome transmitter work with any other codes or devices?

Ie try to diagnose if it’s the code and/or it’s configuration, or if it’s something upstream of that?

with other Code does it work.

Use now ESP8266 Remote Controlled Sockets | Random Nerd Tutorials

and with this i have add a button to integrate it to HA