RFLink creates an entity but not a device

I’ve setup RFLink with some KaKu devices and it works OK.
However I notice that all KaKu elements are only listed as entities, but not a devices.
The home page overview shows them and I can switch on and of from that page, but when I go to Configuration, the KaKu-s show only up in the Entity list, not in the Device list.
The consequence of this is that I cannot create automations for them, because the KaKu-s cannot be selected from the device list.
What am I missing?

My basic setup is this:

  port: /dev/cu.usbmodem14201

  - platform: rflink
    automatic_add: false
      fire_event: true
        name: Hallway
        type: hybrid

No sure what you try to do but you can definitely create automations based on entities however you need to select the proper trigger type.

Automations based on yaml files? Because I cannot select it from the UI.
Anyway, I’ll try.
What I want is to use Hue dimmer switch to control a KaKu light dimmer device.
My idea was to let the Hue dimmer switch trigger an automation (or multiple) that controls the KaKu dimmer device.
I’m not a novice in home automation, but I don’t fully grasp the concepts of hass yet.

No, (from the UI) you could not select a RFLink device because (as you as said) RFLink don’t create it, but you can make your automations from the entity state:

  - platform: state
    entity_id: switch.aukey_02

Select ‘state’ as the trigger, then you can choose any entity.

Creating both devices and entities has been one of the most confusing things that HA has ever done.

Yes, as stated you can select the entity as long as you select the state trigger platform.

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I agree, and so does Tom

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Great, thanks for the tips. I will try it this way.

Ok, but this means you’re not triggering on a RFlink entity but on the Hue dimmer which is connected to HA using a different integration (deConz, ZHA, etc.). In this case you need to trigger on an event as a remote control does not have a state like a for example a door sensor or a light. It’s in the docs of the Zigbee integration you are using.

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