RFXCOM & Somfy blinds without remote

I just ordered some new blinds with Somfy motors RTS 25, expecting that my Connexoon box would be able to manage them. Found out the hard way that my blinds are RTS protocol and the Connexoon box is IO only.

Trying to find an alternative:

  • Buying a Tahoma Switch (which is currently not available) and selling my Connexoon IO.
  • Buying a RFXCOM RFXtrx433E to manage the Somfy Motor Tilt 50 RTS devices.

I did not buy a remote (expecting my Connexoon would be able to manage them). But can I connect the Somfy Motor Tilt 50 RTS to the RFXCOM by pressing the physical button on the motor?

Hi Roland,

Which country are you in? In the UK, the Connexoon is definitely RTS, but has now been discontinued.

The Somfy Tahoma Switch (SOMFY TaHoMa Switch - Smart Home System | Electric Blind Accessories | Newblinds.co.uk) is now available and is only marginally more expensive than the connexion was.

Tahoma is RTS compatible and also i/o compatible, and allows integration with Alexa and Google Assistant.

You will need a handset to programme the blinds (unless they have been set in the factory). If they have been set in the factory, then most motors have a “prog” button built in which should allow you to pair the motor directly with Tahoma or the RFXtrx.

Hope this helps

Hi Tim,
Should have responded earlier. Fixed it by buying a RFXCOM and pressing the physical button on the blind. Fully operational for two months!