I noticed that my 433 devices are not working since a few days.
I re-installed a old backup from where the RFXtrx could see the sensors but no difference. When I commect the RFXtrx to laptop with the RFXcom app I can see devices reporting. Anyone that can give some input on what is going in?
Thanks in advace
Is the USB COM port disconnected and you use a Raspberry PI?
In that case it could be a problem with the power supply or USB cable.
I re-shuffled the USB devices and not sure if the RFXusb changed places, I have a Intel NUC so I think USB power is OK.
I see now that when I configure the RFXCOM to automatic add it failes to configure and and the devices are not showing data at all…
Perhaps I need to re-install the add-on and all devices
That feels qute time consuming unless I can find the 433 device ID somewhere…
Thanks for all support!
I noticed that also my energy meter was not working and it seems to start failing after I installed a Zigbee stick and I assume it is due to that I needed to switch USB ports for the enery, Z-wave and RFXcom to make room for Zigbee. I switched back to “original” USB ports and now everything is OK again, I need to get a extension cable for the Zigbee to make room… so I conclude that you canot easilly change USB ports on devices…
I had this problem and stumbled over this post today, and I even found a solution. At least on my Pi 5, when I have the Zigbee stick on USB3 and the RFXtrx (and Aeotec Z-Stick) on USB2, it works.