When my doorbell rings (a select plus black model) rfxtrx stops receiving anything after that.
With the receive.py example the signal is decoded as followed: Recv: 0x07 0x16 0x02 0x04 0x00 0xb4 0xc2 0x70 <class 'RFXtrx.SensorEvent'> device=[<class 'RFXtrx.RFXtrxDevice'> type='Select Plus' id='00:b4'] values=[('Battery numeric', 0), ('Rssi numeric', 7), ('Sound', 194)] {'79:0e': <RFXtrx.RFXtrxDevice object at 0xb699b7b0>, '00:b4': <RFXtrx.RFXtrxDevice object at 0xb69b7450>, '31:03': <RFXtrx.RFXtrxDevice object at 0xb69b7490>} {'79:0e': <RFXtrx.RFXtrxDevice object at 0xb699b7b0>, '00:b4': <RFXtrx.RFXtrxDevice object at 0xb69b7450>, '31:03': <RFXtrx.RFXtrxDevice object at 0xb69b7490>} {'79:0e': <RFXtrx.RFXtrxDevice object at 0xb699b7b0>, '00:b4': <RFXtrx.RFXtrxDevice object at 0xb69b7450>, '31:03': <RFXtrx.RFXtrxDevice object at 0xb69b7490>}
the Home-Assistant log file says following, but the sensor is not created: 16-07-03 16:37:32 homeassistant.components.rfxtrx: Receive RFXCOM event from <class 'RFXtrx.RFXtrxDevice'> type='Select Plus' id='00:b4' 16-07-03 16:37:32 homeassistant.components.sensor.rfxtrx: Automatic add rfxtrx.sensor: sensor_00b4
how did you get the RF code for this doorbell ? I have one too, but it seems that each time I press the button, I find a different code, and one press of the button returns multiple codes. I have a SelectPlus white chime, and the code I use to get the RF signals is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/milaq/rpi-rf/master/scripts/rpi-rf_receive
I’ve recently moved my rfxcom from my Vera to my HA setup, and have been playing around with my sensors. I discovered by doorbell also appears in HA when its pressed, listed as a SelectPlus, but I am also suffering from the ID changing everytime its used, so I have lots of sensors appearing.
I also have hundreds of other rfx sensors appearing with the state as Panic - which I presume are from a neighbour - and I wonder if that is the same problem (ie. just one or two sensors but with changing IDs).
Is there anything I can do to stop the IDs from changing (I assume not, if its coming from the sensor side)?
i’m not sure, but i think this has to do with the way this protocol is handled in pyrfxtrx ?
when i used the fxcom in combination with domoticz the selectplus chime was useable and i could even emit a select plus signal …
Thanks for the reply koen - I’m still playing around with things and not sure how it all works at the moment - its not a problem for me, the door bell was just a nice to have, not a necessity. I’ll update if I ever come to any solution!
Incase anybody with a Old Mr. safe Doorbell “Mr. safe deurbel” ever comes to the message then I have found my doorbel sents out a 433Mhz message (captured with RFLink) with the following code:
In the HA config I created a switch with this code and use it to sent a chime message to google speakers around the house. This switch is used in that automation that rings the speakers and I reset the switch after that.