RFXTRX: Wrong type detection (sensor instead switch)


i am quite new to HA, so surely i am doing something wrong…
I added the according rfxtrx hub and components to my config file, all with auto detect (as described in the components documentation).
It afterwards detected all of my components, but some are switches but have been detected as sensors.

As example: my blinds and power switches are detected as sensors but not switches. So i see only status in HA GUI but have no chance to switch on or off.

Is it possible to change this without the need to re-detect the devices again?

Thaks for any hint in advance.
/ Ralf

Once you know the entity_id’s just hard code then under switch and turn off auto discovery

  platform: rfxtrx
      name: device_name

I’m guessing that should work :wink:


after moving the entities into the “switch” section in the configuration.yaml file they just disappeared :frowning:
Maybe i need to add them again step by step, first switch, then binary sensors, etc.

/ Ralf

Have you tried hass --script check_config ?
And read this https://home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/troubleshooting/

Please post what you have done, using the </> button after selecting the code in the edit window.


after some trial and error, i now get the most done.
First, i commented out any devices i had in my configuration.
Afterwards, started auto detect step-by step: first, the switches, then the sensors. And now nearly all are in.
Missing my binary door sensors, but will get these soon, too, i’m sure.
Don’t know the exact reason, bur maybe somethings get mixed up if i enabled all auto-detect opetions at once.

But the good news is: i can confirm my switches of type “Intertechno” (power plugs) are working fine!

Thanks for all answers !
/ Ralf