i have some hive uk rgb bulbs and they show in zha as aurora_rgbbulb01uk but i cant seem to make them turn on full red if i use developer tools and set to turn on with colour_name: blue they turn blue like wise if i use rgb_color: [0,0,255] i get blue but i cant get full red either with red colour name or with rgb_color: [255,0,0] green and blue is fine its just red that does not work
the closest thing i can get it to work with is rgb_color: [255,0,10] if i try 255,0,0 it switches the bulb on but at what ever colour it was before its specific to these bulbs as i have a couple of GLEDOPTO led controllers and a tuya all on zigbee and they behave as expected
Any one have any ideas? Is there any further information I can provide to help with this?
still have the same on version 2021.4.3
And it’s still the same on the latest