Hello all,
I am currently building a house and I have intention to go full DC for lightning. Both primary lightning (white LED recessed lightning, only brightness control necessary) and secondary RGB(W) LED strips.
I am planning to run this on 12V and solving voltage drop issues with LED amplifiers near the LED itself. House is relatively small and longest runs of 12V will be 20 m (amplifier on before LED, of course).
I am also wanting to wire as many things as possible and avoid WiFi where possible.
My question is what LED controller (preferably RGB) for 12V LEDs would you recommend that is controlled via wire (network through LAN or something else) that is compatible with HA.
All I can find on internet are WiFi controllers that I want to avoid.
Combination with Raspberry or Arduino are also an option.
Of course, be aware that I need to control LED light from 6W to 18W and roughly 200 m of LED strips so this controller should handle some power. It is not necessary that it should be only one if power constrain is an issue. Then I would use one for each floor or something like this.
Thanks for the help!
Best regards!