Hi, since 2023.03 and new light dialog, i cannot change to white leds on my RGBW lights.
When i click into middle white spot, i can see in esphome log, that it receives
When updating to home assistant 2023.03, I also compiled latest esphome firmware and switched to api key encryption.
Now there is also another problem with those bulbs, the lights does not react properly to on/off.
I see, it receives
[22:53:58][D][light:035]: 'zemismart_bulb_a19_002_light_rgbw' Setting:
[22:53:58][D][light:046]: State: OFF
But it stays on.
I don’t know how to debug this, clearly it receives the command to switch off
I am having the same issue with the update to 2023.3.x
I have a few Wyze lights with ESPhome using RGBW light platform and the option to choose white is gone. When I revert back to home assistant 2023.2.x I get the option to change to the white light, but the temperature slider is still missing. If I change the interlock option to false, I can control the white light in the 2023.2.x and 2023.3.x but I would like to have it return to what it was before I updated.
Issue returned/came back/showed up again in 2024.4.0 for 1 of the Tuya light bulb types I use. This has screwed with dimming automation where instead of dimming, the light now changes color…