Ring door bell motion activated hue light

Hi All

i am using the standard motion activated blueprint to get my hue outdoor light to come on after motion is detected on my ring doorbell. if i run the automation manually it works however when motion is detected on the doorbell the light remains off and never comes on.

below is yamal from the blueprint. i am compleate novice when it comes to ymal.

description: ""
 - entity_id: binary_sensor.front_door_bell_motion_2
   from: "off"
   to: "on"
   trigger: state
 - condition: time
   after: "17:00:00"
   before: "05:00:00"
     - mon
     - tue
     - wed
     - thu
     - fri
     - sat
     - sun
 - alias: Turn on the light
     entity_id: light.front_house
   action: light.turn_on
   data: {}
 - alias: Wait until there is no motion from device
     entity_id: binary_sensor.front_door_bell_motion_2
     from: "on"
     to: "off"
     trigger: state
 - alias: Wait the number of seconds that has been set
   delay: 120
 - alias: Turn off the light
     entity_id: light.front_house
   action: light.turn_off
   data: {}
mode: restart
max_exceeded: silent

The first thing I’d look at is the motion device’s settings, to check that you have the right trigger set up (motion vs. occupancy). If there’s another obvious reason, I hope to learn that along with you.

Hi kash,

You need to troubleshoot this.
Comment all that out above and try it. See if the light just comes on.
If not there is a lot less to look at to tweak. Add the pieces back in one by one.
Don’t forget to save it or reload automations between every change.