This is on the border of Home Assistant and Robrock, but I’m assuming some of you know how to do this.
I have the Robrock S5 with Valetudo RE 0.9.8 (open to switching to Valetudo) and firmware 2020. My house is a split level with 6 distinct floors of the house I want to vacuum. I have the dock on the main floor which is the area I vacuum the most. Persistent maps are enabled and it seems to work fine if I start from the dock. I have no idea how it is supposed to work when I vacuum the other floors though. It appears to just choose a random part of the map of the main floor, and show it is vacuuming there… then tries to return to the dock when its done.
Is there a way to instruct it to create a new map when I start on a different floor? Can I have a map persisted per floor and tell it which “map” I placed it on? Or do I just use the map for the main floor and ignore all the others?
Any documentation on how this is supposed to work would be much appreciated.