Roku Discovery

Hey all

I updated to 37 and I can’t see my Roku in Home Assistant. Was there breaking changes or do I need to add more configuration?

Thank you

Same thing happened to me. Couldn’t see any changes in the component area so assuming something broke.

Sounds good. I’m glad I’m not the only one. Cheers

Same here. Roku TV. Don’t know if that makes a difference. Was working until 37.

Have you tried hass --script check_config ?

I had never tried to run that before, since I set up my configuration before it was available. Now that I try it, I get “-bash: hass: command not found” So maybe there’s some set-up for the config checker that I’m not aware of.

I’m receiving this error in my log. Not exactly sure what else I need to do as it should auto discover it.

17-01-29 13:18:17 ERROR (Thread-3) [homeassistant.components.media_player.roku] Unable to initialize roku at

Run these two commands if you used to all in one installer script on a pi

sudo su -s /bin/bash hass
source /srv/hass/hass_venv/bin/activate

Then the checker should run fine

I was having trouble with Roku’s as well.

Here is a link to what I found: Roku Component - "Unable to initialize..." - HAAS 0.38

I’m waiting to hear back about whether this is an issue or not.

I saw in the release notes that it the naming structure had changed. From the link you provided, it suggests I might have to name my Roku in the settings? Is that right?

I found this -

I tried changing the name via the Roku portal. But, the name hasn’t showed up yet.

Note: I just changed it like an hour ago. It might show up tomorrow.

In the short term I modified the code to use a different name for the Roku devices.

A quick FYI.

I restarted my Roku and the portal configured name showed up.

I removed my code changes from the roku component and it came up with the user-device-name as the name on the HA page.

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Thanks, config checks out. And in case anyone else tries, recent all-in-one installer uses “homeassistant” instead of “hass”

sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
source /srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/bin/activate
hass --script check_config

I’m getting duplicates. One with the name on the Roku, and one that uses the name I specified in my Customize section.

Perfect! Home Assistant can see my Roku again. Hadn’t realized there was a naming convention in the Roku portal. Thank you for your help with this


But, I’m still trying to figure out what to do about this issue.

You should not have to configure your Roku’s via the Roku portal to get them to show up in HA.

But, glad to hear you are up and running again.

From what was in the notes of 37 this was a breaking change

The Roku media uses now a new format for the entity IDs

I didn’t name my Roku in the portal so I’m guessing it’ll never be discovered if there is no name associated with it.

It is actually discovered in the code but then discarded because the name it is looking for is None.

I tripped over this issue as well. I went to the Roku web portal, and found the name was blank. So I updated it to something clever like roku, and updated rebooted the roku.
After this, I restarted HA and then trolled the logs (journalctl -fu home-assistant | grep -i roku) … low and behold, media_player.roku showed up.

All fixed.