Room presence template delayed

Hello all,

I have created a room presence sensor with the following:

  - name: Salon Angela presence
    state: >
      {{ is_state('switch.stroom_voetenbank','on')
        or is_state('light.werktafel','on')
        or is_state('sensor.s21_angela','salon') }}
      minutes: 1

It works great, but… ‘sensor.s21_angela’ triggers to fast, i want a delay on it.
i have a template working in the developer tools:

{{ (is_state('sensor.s21_angela','salon')) and (now() > states.sensor.s21_angela.last_changed + timedelta(minutes=1)) }}

this template while be true afther 1 min.
i can’t get this template working in the Salon Angela presence, i want to replace the or is_state(‘sensor.s21_angela’,‘salon’) }} to the other template: {{ (is_state(‘sensor.s21_angela’,‘salon’)) and (now() > states.sensor.s21_angela.last_changed + timedelta(minutes=1)) }}

i tried diffrent things, can’t get it to work, any idea’s?