Router Hard Reset - HA still OK?

Hello All!

Well it looks like i’ll need to reset my router because I do not remember my login credentials for getting into it. I know I know I should have written that down and stashed it someplace. But I didn’t because i’m lazy… and i’m a guy… and my girlfriends distracted me with a frosty brew… but I digress…

The Question:

If I reset my router will this mess up HA in any way? I have HA running on a PI 4 and not over WIFI. It is currently connected to the router via network cable. I know from the past that if I reset my router it does require me to log in and re-setup the WIFI settings. This will wipeout any device that uses WIFI because it will lose the network. However if I reset the router and create the same WIFI network (Name and Password) those devices should be ok correct? I never tried this but I think that should work. Any thoughts on this?

Im mostly concerned with the PI and HA. If I reset the router will this effect anything? I would think not since it is directly connected to the router but I have never tried it. I do have Samba Share installed but I think that is the only plugin that may mess up. Has anyone tried to attempt this? Would hate to Nuke it all jest because I have to reset my router…

May be worth taking a “Snapshot” before I try anything drastic…

Now if you excuse me I need to sit in a quiet room and think about what my router login credentials may have been.

Thanks All

HA is installed on RasPi so doing something on router will have ZERO affect.

You Will have problems with internal (LAN) and external (WAN) connections since the RasPi IP and Port forwarding you have setup will change. If RasPi has static IP if it is first device connected to router after reset you will likely have no issue with internal connection but port forwarding will need to be setup on router likely.

It could be a problem if you have DNS service in the Pi and have set up a static IP to the Pi.
That could (most likely) mean you will get a new IP on the Pi and your DNS forwarding will route to a unused IP.
It’s not the end of the world. Just set up a new static IP and go edit the DNS settings. But you will be out of internet for a while.

You make not writing down your password sound so cool!!! :smiley:

If you were me, you’d be totally screwed because you would lose all your firewall scripts, static ip addressing, vpn configs, certificates, etc that keeps everything safe and working as expected. For someone who parties too much to write down passwords and mess with routers, you probably have nothing to worry about. You would know if you did something in your router that would need to be restored, I hope. :wink: