Hello All!
Well it looks like i’ll need to reset my router because I do not remember my login credentials for getting into it. I know I know I should have written that down and stashed it someplace. But I didn’t because i’m lazy… and i’m a guy… and my girlfriends distracted me with a frosty brew… but I digress…
The Question:
If I reset my router will this mess up HA in any way? I have HA running on a PI 4 and not over WIFI. It is currently connected to the router via network cable. I know from the past that if I reset my router it does require me to log in and re-setup the WIFI settings. This will wipeout any device that uses WIFI because it will lose the network. However if I reset the router and create the same WIFI network (Name and Password) those devices should be ok correct? I never tried this but I think that should work. Any thoughts on this?
Im mostly concerned with the PI and HA. If I reset the router will this effect anything? I would think not since it is directly connected to the router but I have never tried it. I do have Samba Share installed but I think that is the only plugin that may mess up. Has anyone tried to attempt this? Would hate to Nuke it all jest because I have to reset my router…
May be worth taking a “Snapshot” before I try anything drastic…
Now if you excuse me I need to sit in a quiet room and think about what my router login credentials may have been.
Thanks All