Rpi with Hassio no sensor data -mqtt

I can understand there may be many thread on same topic, but i didnt get full basic idea in hassio setup and configurations since i am new to this platform.
Problem: I am trying to send sensor values from esp32 using IDF code and hassio not receiving the sensor values.

What i have tried,

  1. I have configured configuration.yaml as per many reference
    this is how it looks

2.ESP32 Device side i have configured mqtt publish topic and rpi ip as follows,
port: 1883
username: user1
password: user1
topic1: sensor/temp1
data: “20”
topic2: sensor/temp2
data: “20”

  1. when device tries to connect i can see hassio mosquito broker shows device is connected

  2. Configuration i have done in hassio
    a) i have created a user as user1 and password as user1
    b) then installed mosquito broker
    and configured login user as user1, password as user1
    c) then configured yaml as per step1
    d) then configured the device code
    e) restarted the hassio and captured the log in mosquitto broker
    but i am not able to see the live data from esp32 , looks i am missing basic stuff.
    Could you please help me to solve this ,
    what i am doing wrong

I am not seeing the device under configuration->MQTT broker->?
I am not seeing any data in home window , my entity is visible but it is not showing any data