I am using HomeAssistant at Raspberry Pi B+ (minibean distro). Running HomeAssistant as root. After updating to the latest version I got these errors in startup log:
16-02-07 06:43:49 homeassistant.loader: Unable to find component sensor.rpi_gpio
16-02-07 06:43:49 homeassistant.bootstrap: Unable to find platform sensor.rpi_gpio
HomeAssistant working, but there are no any RPIO sensors.
Sensor config:
- platform: rpi_gpio
4: Entrance Door
pull_mode: "UP"
value_high: "Open"
value_low: "Close"
I am trying to make clean install (delete homeasstistant package, delete .homassistant folder and install it again) - no effect.
Can you help me? Previous version works fine.
python3 --version
Python 3.4.2
pip --version
pip 8.0.2