Samba connect to hard drive

Hi, I have a perfecty good version of home assistant running on my rpi 3 b+. I also have a nice old hard drive that i want to acces from anywhere on the world with an internet connection. So i know i can samba into a drive if its connected to a server and i also have an old pc to run a server, then connect the drive and install samba, port forward the ip and have it accesable from anywhere. However that way i have a pc runnin 24/7 and a rpi with homeassistant. So i thought, is there a way to plug in a drive to the rpi and have it accesable with samba? The reason being, my brother is backpacking in Asia and he is using his DJI mavic pro to make 4k videos, these videos are to big to send via mail, whatsapp or any other social network (one day of filming is about 10gb of footage). I thought maybe setting up a drive here in the hometown that he can acces is a good way to get that footage all the way from Asia to Europe. Any solutions for me?

When backpacking what kind of a connection is he going to have? 10GB is not a small transfer, is it even feasible to transfer that amount of data in a reasonable time? A lot of public wifi will throttle users to only a few mbps. Additionally you would need to take into account your home network, what can your router and network handle and the Pi is likey to be the bottleneck.

Assuming the speed is there, a properly secured ftp could be an option and there is an addon.

Thank you for the info. I will check out the link tomorrow. He is going to buy an unlimited 4G bundle and i dont know what the 4G speeds are in Asia. Athleast the big cities will have a fast network. Off course he won’t have 10gb every day, i think on a weekly basis he will have about 5-10gb of footage.

Did you find any solution? Trying to connect my external drive to my rpi 4 but don’t know how to make it accessible.